Welcome back to school!
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Unlocking Learning Through Laughter: The Revolutionary Role of Humor in Education

Educational partners: We’re excited to welcome Kathleen McNally, CEO of NOCTI, to our lineup of education sessions at #MBAConclave! Kathleen will delve into the transformative power of laughter and explore how integrating humor into teaching and learning environments can significantly benefit students and educators alike.

Important dates: Registration by August 31 includes your ticket to The Celebration!, our social event at the conference! Starting September 1, the price is $49 for registrants and guests.

🎉Bonus: Register by September 15 for the chance to win a gift card or Learning Center subscription!

Need help gaining funding and approval to attend? Use this letter to help make the case for Conclave.

Countdown to Conclave

Back-to-School Resource Roundup

Summer resource roundup: We hope your school year is off to a great start and that you were able to disconnect and recharge over the summer months. Here’s what you missed:

We released the following LAPs this summer:

The following course guides were revised:

In addition, the new Principles of Supply Chain Management course is now available!

We also released a new video series and Gray Zone Interactive Series episode.

Ethics Resources Reach Over Four Million Students

Making an impact: Thanks to the support of the Daniels Fund, we have developed a variety of resources that provide students with a foundation for ethical decision-making they can use throughout their lives. All these resources are available to all school districts in every state for free.

Near and far: To date, our ethics resources have reached 4,805,202 students across all 50 states, the District of Columbia, two U.S. territories, and 31 countries! This incredible reach would not be possible without educators like you!

Now Hiring: Iowa Department of Education

Job opportunity: The Iowa Department of Education is hiring an Education Program Consultant for Business, Finance, Marketing, and Management. Learn more about the position here.

Newly Revised: Introduction to Finance

Updated: The Introduction to Finance Learning Center Course Guide (LCCG) has recently been revised. To access the interactive course, log in to the Learning Center, go to Commons, search "Intro to Finance," then import/download into your course.

On the rise: In the LCCGs, students find core narrative reading material displayed as Articulate Rise lessons. Articulate Rise lessons are interactive and compatible with mobile devices, and they don’t require any outside apps or downloads.

Newly Revised: LAP-SE-932 Sell Right (Selling Policies)

For your classroom: Our ready-to-use lesson modules (LAPs) are designed to help make your class preparation easy, fast, and relevant. LAP-SE-932, Sell Right (Selling Policies), has recently been updated. 

To help your students better understand federal regulations that shape company selling policies, use this activity: 

  • Consumer regulations intended to protect individuals when making purchases include the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act, the Truth in Lending Act, and the Credit Card Act of 2009.
  • Some people argue that government regulations do more harm than good by limiting what businesses can do.
  • Others believe regulation is key to preventing unethical corporate behavior and risky business practices.
    • Which side is right?
  • Ask students to read this Investopedia article, then lead the class in a debate.

MBA Research & Curriculum Center

A not-for-profit organization

1375 King Ave, Columbus, OH 43212


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